Just as the superhero has precursors in pulps, myth and even Japanese kamishibai (paper theatre), the modern comic book traveled through a few developmental stages. Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of Famous Funnies: A Carnival of Comics awaits!
Browsing: All-American Comics
When it comes to discussing the Golden Age of Comics, the costumed characters are far outnumbered by the two-fisted detectives, soldiers, and G-Men. But somewhere in between, you’ll find Red, White, and Blue. Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of All-American Comics #1 awaits!
“And I shall shed my light over dark evil, for the dark things cannot stand the light… The light of The Green Lantern!” Your Major Spoilers Retro Review of All-American Comics #16 awaits!
He’s one of the stalwart members of the Justice Society and even a TV star! But do you know the real story of Doctor Mid-Nite? Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of All-American Comics #25 awaits!