Demons from outer space Josh Howard continues his reboot of the Dead@17 Universe with new characters and situations, but the end is still the same – hard rockin, demon butt-kicking. Although not much of that is going on…yet. Our new hero ended up dead last issue, but as we might expect, she doesn’t stay dead for long.
Browsing: Review
If you are looking for the Major Spoilers reviews of comic books from the comic book industry, you’ve found it! The best and the worst comics are reviewed each week.
Clone Saga: Part 6 Peter Parker is the center of a huge scandal involving cloning. He isn’t the one that is doing it, but all of the Spider-clones that have been showing up lately have come from him. Nick Fury thinks Parker needs to be taken into custody, while the Fantastic Four think otherwise. And what about the mysterious Spider-Woman? The big reveal is made in the review you have been waiting for.
What are you thankful for? Thanksgiving, a time to stuff your face with turkey, watch a parade or two, and spend time with friends and family. For the Justice Society, the annual get together is cut short by memories from the past.
Or – “How To Ignore Fourteen Characters To Revive One.” I wish you all a “Happy American Day Of Eating Till Ya Nearly Burst…” I had far too much pie and far too little sleep, but I’m here and ready to rock. Since it’s Thanksgiving, I thought I might go over an interesting question: What are you thankful for when it comes to comics? I’m thankful for Garth Ennis, for “Agents of Atlas,” for the return of Shang Chi and Mon-El and Nova. Hell, there are a lot of things right about today’s comics industry. Fascinating characters, excellent writers, plotlines…
In which we have too much free time on our hands In the last few years, several companies have entered the arena with their rendition of DC’s pantheon of characters. Today, I’ll break down two of the contenders, and specifically, how the Batman figures stack up.
Ever have a really bad day? I’ve had my fair share of days where I’ve felt like everything I’ve done has been for naught. Whether it be yelling at someone when I was in the wrong, or continuing to make mistake after mistake instead of correcting the main problem, life can really seem like a rotten experience sometimes. The Flare has had one of those lives, and he’s about to have a meltdown.
Or – “The Following Previews Have Been Rated D, for “Drain Your Wallet.” Of all the things that I whine about regarding Civil War, the one aspect that doesn’t bug me is the insistence that it affects every single facet of life in the Marvel Universe. I’ve always thought that if you’re going to do a huge mega-crossover, you may want to have it affect somebody. I remember the days of the Infinity Gauntlet-War-Crusade-Jamboree, and how I kept seeing my guy Nova on the cover of the books, and hearing rumors that he died or something, but seeing little to…
Or – Today, on a very special Robin I haven’t reviewed Robin in a while; not because the issues were bad- quite the contrary, the series since One Year Later has been a real treat, rather, I’ve been dealing with a lot lately. For Robin, coming back to Gotham and dealing with all the changes, takes a lot out of him. But he’s not the only one with problems in this very special issue of Robin.
Emerald Eye of Ekron Revealed This week is a busy one, what with Batwoman about to bite it and all. There was a great deal of build up last week in getting Renee and Vic back to Gotham in order to save Kate Kane. The duo’s jumping from one part of the globe to another is just part of the jumping in story telling this week, taking readers from Gotham, to down under, and finally to deep space.
Or – “Day 2: Still Tired From The Move…” Last issue got me thinking, in a good way, about what I like about Dick Grayson, about Nightwing, and about the “dark vigilante” motif. I enjoyed what last issue set up, and I’m intrigued enough to come back again. That’s what the movie business calls “good buzz,” or “word of mouth” or something. (I think my superhero name will be Cliche Man…) In any case, Marv Wolfman’s to writing Nightwing is in full swing, and in part two, the game’s afoot. Can Marv, Dan and Norm keep up the interest of…
Or – “You Don’t Need Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man In Every Issue.” The Avengers are one of those teams that has had so many different incarnations that there’s no real “iconic” interpretation of the team. People talk about the Big Three, but the original lineup didn’t actually contain all of them. More importantly, the concept of what an Avenger IS has changed many times. The point of the original “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes” mini was to reimagine the original five members of the team. The new series takes the same tack with a more difficult crew, the team of…
Tales of the Expected The 2006 installment of Tales of the Unexpected featuring The Spectre, and a backup with Dr. 13 kicked off with a bang that got me in all the right places. Now that I’ve had a chance to absorb issue two, are my tingly places still tingling, or is it more of the same?
Or – “Everything That You Once Knew Was Wrong Is Wronger Still…” If you’ve been reading, (and I thank you if ya have), you may have noticed that I have an affinity for team books. In most cases, the bigger the cast, the happier I am. This is a common malady among comic fans my age, and most of us blame it on The Legion. I was introduced to the 30th century through the digest-sized reprints that DC put out in the early 80’s, reprinting the seminal run from Adventure Comics lo those million years ago. At the time, the…
Heroes Will Fall Week 27 is a bad one for 52. Not in the storytelling, but rather in the tragedy of the heroes’ lives. After following the events of this week, including another of my Crack Pot Theories of the Week, you’re going to sit up and say “Whoa!”