Browsing: Marvel

Don’t worry, you’ll be able to see it in all its HD glory when the Iron Man DVD is released on September 30, 2008. via Access Hollywood

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I loved reading those illustrated comics as a kid, and I am digging what Marvel is doing to resurrect the idea with its Marvel Illustrated line.  The next classic the company is putting out, is Homer’s The Odyssey, and the company has sent Major Spoilers a sneak peek.

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You’ve already read Matthew’s review of Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #1, now you can experience the issue yourself for free, thanks to Marvel Digital Unlimited. A new year of high school is starting and MJ feels like she finally has her life in order. She has a good schedule, awesome friends, and an “amazing” relationship with a particular web-slinger…but unbeknownst to her, someone has it out for this feisty little teenager! You can read the first issue online, by visiting the comic page site. via Marvel

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Or – “Sometimes, I’m Pleasantly Surprised That A Book Was Ever Green-Lighted…” Cary Bates is a name that I haven’t heard in comics’ circles in several years.  The mind behind the Trial of the Flash, the revamp of Captain Atom, and one of the wackiest Earth-Prime crossovers ever (Earth-Prime, for you rotten kids out there, was supposed to be “our world,” where DC chronicles the history of stalwarts like Superman and Batman and ol’ what’sisface in the orange shirt) in which he and his co-writer traveled to the DCU and fought/helped the Justice League, respectively.  Cary was one of those…

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Or – “All The Hatred May Be Somewhat Premature…” Brubaker and Fraction’s run on Iron Fist did what every relaunch really hopes to do: revitalize the character, revive interest in his stories, and add depth and versimilitude to the Iron Fist stories to date.  So much so that, when this new creative team was announced, pull list orders on the book (at Gatekeeper Hobbies, Huntoon and Gage, Topeka! Ask about our 70’s Vampirella black and whites!) fell by nearly half, and one of our more sardonic Spoilerites was heard to opine that the book will be cancelled within 18 issues. …

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Matthew Vaughn has announced that even though the studios have passed on making the adaptation of Mark Millar’s Kick-Ass, Vaughn says he is going to raise the $30 million himself to get the film into production. Chloe Moretz has already been cast in the film, but the Hollywood Reporter has Superbad’s Christopher Mintz-Plasse in negotiations to play The Red Mist, the angry teen son of a mobster who tries to find uncover Kick-Ass’ identity. Vaughn first brought the project to Sony, which distributed his “Layer Cake,” but the studio balked at the violence, which he refused to tone down. Several…

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Marvel has unveiled the variant covers to the Hulk #6 and #7 done by the late great Michael Turner. “Living in a world without Mike is something I could never imagine,” said Hulk scribe Jeph Loeb. “He was the greatest guy. The. Greatest.  I wanted some way to share my love of his artwork and at the same time give something to the fans — who were more important to Mike than anyone can imagine — and spoke to Marvel about doing these covers.  They are pieces Mike did of the Green Hulk (one as a gift to Frank Mastromauro)and…

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Marvel is sending the sneak peeks our way, as the company drops off a preview of the upcoming return of Japan’s top heroes (at least from a Marvel perspective) – Big Hero Six!

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Or – “Personally, I Blame Kirsten Dunst.” So.  I’ve been making the joke for months now, and I’m officially ready to retire it here and now, after one final telling:  “Call the Law Firm of Boucher, Likes, McFadden, and Mephisto for all your divorce needs!  We’ll make it like your marriage never happened!!!”  Given that current edict from the EIC, it seems a little bit odd that this title even EXISTS anymore, but any attempt to bring younger readers (or, indeed, female readers) onboard is a welcome change of pace.  Add in a little Terry Moore, and you’ve got my…

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Thor and the Red Hulk got into it in Hulk #5, and to make sure everyone has a chance to get their hands on the sold out issue (at the distributor level), Marvel is going back to press with a new cover of the Jeph Loeb series. “Five issues.  Five sold out.  And the second printings too!” said Loeb. “I’ll have to tell McGuinness’ kids to stop buying so many copies!  Seriously though, I gotta thank Warren Simons and the entire Thor crew who were so helpful at getting the God of Thunder to guest star in this issue.  And…

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