Browsing: Humor

What happens when you bring together the worst superhero movies of all time? You get something that is not quite watchable… instead you get The Unwatchables. Do you like fan mashups like this? Is remixing another step in the creative process, or a cheap way to get views for your YouTube channel?

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Steve Martin has a new musical opening on broadway, and earlier this week, he appeared on Jimmy Fallon to talk about it. Since Fallon is famous for musical numbers, and Martin has been known to bust out a tune every now and then, this bit makes for perfect Internet click bait…and it will put a smile on your face (ask me how).

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In a world where gritty reboots are all the rage, the haunted horror gobbling menace of Pacman is ripe for a remake. Mash the video game with The Warriors, and you have something that is not quite both.

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Remember yesterday when it was Friends Day, and you posted all those “awesome” videos of you and your friends, culled from your posting? Those that curate the Captain America Facebook page decided to have a little fun with the Facebook stunt to tie into the upcoming Captain America: Civil War movie.

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