PRESS RELEASE Be the coolest house on the block this Halloween by handing out comic books to trick-or-treaters with the Halloween ComicFest mini-comic packs. Each pack contains 25 mini-comics appropriate for readers of all ages and is available to pre-order exclusively from your local comic book shop. Mini-comic packs will be available for pick-up and purchase starting September 28th and throughout the month of October leading up to Halloween.
Browsing: Holiday
Buster Keaton in “The General” is one of the best silent comedies you will ever see, it was also features the most expensive shot ever filmed for silent film. It was released on December 31, 1926 – 90 years ago! Happy New Year from your friends at Major Spoilers. Let’s laugh it up in 2016, and make it the best year yet!
From all of us at Major Spoilers, we wish you a happy and safe holiday.
Red Candy decided to take a different approach to the happiness of the holidays by presenting the worst of the worst in this giant Nightmares Before Christmas infographic.
Looking for something to do with your family over the holidays? Want to stab a few of them in the back (metaphorically of course)? Then crack open the latest from Steve Jackson Games – Munchkin Christmas Lite.
It has become an annual tradition at Major Spoilers that after the feast of the bird, the downing of the stuffing, and the packing away of the pumpkin pie, it is time to kick back, relax and re-read a classic Asterix comic from days gone by. This year, we look at Asterix the Gladiator, the book we SHOULD have shared with you last year.
It’s a holiday in the United States of America, and today, we pause, spend time with the family, and say “Thank you,” to everyone in the world who supports what we do. Come talk to us Tweet us @ Facebook us @ Email us @ Subscribe to our YouTube Channel @ If you like what we do, please consider supporting our work by becoming a Major Spoilers VIP! Thank you in advance! [signoff predefined=”PayPal Donation” icon=”icon-cog”][/signoff]
This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast – We’re celebrating a holiday, looking at Spider-Woman’s new duds, and reviewing The X-Files X-Mas Special and Unity #13.
The Westfield mall in Syndey has a giant LEGO holiday display, and we have the video of the tree being built and the crowd reaction.
A big happy Father’s Day to all the fathers who share their love of geek and pop culture with their kids.
We love it when fans create cool things based on the characters and setting of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons podcast. @CrimsBacon (aka John aka That Guy What Dresses As Randus), whipped up a number of character cards to give to your loved one this Valentine’s Day.
Hopefully you’ve had enough time to recharge yourself after a night of celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of the new. There is something special about this time of year – the days are getting longer, and we begin to move from a hibernating state to that of activity and life (winter to spring). As you may have noticed, the Major Spoilers website has undergone some change in the new year, and we are quite excited about it!
Tomorrow will be Christmas Day, so the gifts will be given, unwrapped and enjoyed. But as a comics reader, I’ve often found this holiday to be somewhat disappointing. And I’ve often spoken with other comics fans, and many of you share my problem with Christmas (or even birthdays, for that matter).
This is wrong (and great) on so many levels… watch it now.