In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The meeting with the family is cut short… Take the Major Spoilers Survey!
Browsing: Critical Hit
Listen, learn, and laugh along with the members of the Critical Hit Podcast. The continuing saga of four adventurers seeking fortune and glory in the world of Dungeons and Dragons. Plenty of role playing and fun for anyone interested in the D&D experience. Newbies or seasoned vets will get a kick out of this live campaign.
Critical Hit is a real play podcast that uses the Dungeons and Dragons 4 edition (D&D4e) for the primary gameplay.
The players also use the FATE system, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, and D&D5e for various campaigns.
Regular Critical Hit listeners will note that I am the token “old guy” of the group, even moreso than in some of our other programming, as my fellow forty-something, Stephen, didn’t partake of role-playing nerdery in his youth. Of all the changes from the AD&D of my youth to today’s shiny 4th Edition, the scrapping of the traditional nine-point alignment for the streamlined five-point spectrum is the one that is the hardest to get used to. (Granted, many times, alignments ended up being just a one-note performance piece wherein the allegedly “chaotic” character would spout some nonsense or do something…
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: We finally get to meet those people with the goggles… Take the Major Spoilers Survey!
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: A familiar face returns, and it’s time for some fighty-fighty! Images for this episode, after the jump!
In this episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: What happens when you don’t cleanse yourself properly? Sounds like the answer lies in a skills challenge. Take the Major Spoilers Survey!
This episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: Ket and Orem make plans, then reflect on those plans, then change those plans, and just when everyone thinks they know what they are doing, it all goes to hell. Take the Major Spoilers Survey!
This episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The Tempest Toad was just the beginning… of the end… Take the Major Spoilers Survey!
Greetings Critical Hit fans! Today we continue our exploration of the Seven Clans Total Control Area by looking at the new clans. We will also spend some time discussing the major cities of The Great and Mighty Tribe as well as current events.
This episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: It’s been far too long since we’ve talked with you, and read what you have sent us. We’re going to address that right now. Take the Major Spoilers Survey!
Today we continue our exploration of the Central Continent in Critical Hit by examining the Seven Clans Total Control Area. Its territories are flanked by Diamond Throne and The Sage Coast and its southern edge borders the Freelands.
This episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: A giant Tempest Toad! AAAAAAH! Take the Major Spoilers Survey! NOTE: Images for this episode will appear next week.
This episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: Everything was just fine until the druid decided to inspect the well. Take the Major Spoilers Survey!
This episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: Meet Clan Devil Bear! Take the Major Spoilers Survey!
This episode of Critical Hit, A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: More family members appear, and a tough choice must be made. Take the Major Spoilers Survey!