I kind of get a big kick out of celebrities getting into cosplay. Here is Kaley Cuoco – of Big Bang Theory fame – dressed as Wonder Woman, and apparently enjoying some Confectionery delight. via Kaley Cuoco
Browsing: Cosplay
Adrianne Curry is no stranger to cosplaying at the San Diego Comic Con, and if you were looking hard enough yesterday, you may have seen her as Leeloo from the Fifth Element with her slave (Leia) in tow. via @adriannecurry
This week on G4TV, Playboy Playmate of the Year, Sara Jean Underwood is cosplaying various characters as a build up to the San Diego Comic Con. Remember when Olivia Munn used to tease us with her Princess Leia costume? I think Sara is gonna really surprise us when SDCC rolls around next week.
Dressing up as a superhero goes back to the beginning of the comic book genre. I would have guessed most kids would have dressed up as Batman or Superman, but a photograph being shared by NOLA.com shows an early Alan Scott fan ready for action. On Mardi Gras 1946, Fred Lipps Jr., 13, donned the costume and was photographed at his aunt’s house on Polymnia Street, near the corner of Dryades, in Central City. A great fan of comic book superheroes, Lipps chose Green Lantern ‘frankly, because I thought the costume was the easiest to reproduce; no fancy cowls, burning…
Now here is a guy that has some mighty massive iron balls. They’re so big he has to wear an Iron Man Mk I costume he made himself to work. Actually, he didn’t HAVE to wear the costume to work, and I’m sure his bosses have changed their mind about the Casual Cosplay Thursday policy. But when you think about it, the guy who built this works at a Chinese telecom company, and I’m sure all that extra stuff prevented a few dropped calls that day.
This past weekend, the 29th annual Heroes Convention was held in Charlotte, North Carolina. I was lucky enough to attend, and boy am I tired of hoofing it. When I was not jibber jabbering to comic creators, and getting off the elevator on the wrong floor. I DID snap some pictures, so take the jump Spoilerites to see what you missed!
If you went to WonderCon this past weekend, and saw Green Hornet walking around, it may have been writer Peter David. The reason I was attending Wondercon was that Activision brought me out to promote “Spider-Man: Edge of Time.” Since I was out here on their dime, I wanted to make sure that anyone who wanted to see me had to come to the panel. But I didn’t want to be a prisoner of my hotel room for two days. So I put together a Green Hornet costume and walked around for two days. David goes on to talk about…
Major Spoilerite Jimmy Dunn, set over a plethora of pictures from this past weekend’s C2E2 convention in Chicago. Take the jump for a look at the cosplayers on parade, and tell us which one(s) you like the most.
I’ve seen the female Stormtroopers, but I think this is the first time I’ve seen a female Boba Fett (would that make her Barbie Fett?) Makes you wonder… and by wonder, you know what I mean… via Hawtness.com
A few weeks ago, Critical Hit’s very own Rob Rasmussen (a.k.a. Smith, and Ket) headed to Nebraska to attend the 2010 Anime Nebraskon, and filed this report.
This year, I was able to attend Mid-Ohio Con, and once again, it was an absolute blast. I was able to meet a lot of great independent comics’ creators, I got the chance to thank writer Kurt Buesick for getting be back into comics with his mid-90’s run on The Avengers, I even snuck a far-away picture of Lou Ferrigno. (Any closer and I would’ve been charged a whopping $40!) As usual, I took a ton of pictures, so check them out after the jump!
The votes have been counted, the numbers have been tallied, and we’re happy to announce the winner of the 2010 Major Spoilers Costume Contest.
Press Release Mid-Ohio-Con today announced details of the prize package for its 2010 Costume Contest. “The costume contest is always one of the most popular attractions for Mid-Ohio-Con and this year should be no exception. In addition to the amazing superhero, sci-fi and fantasy costumes, we’re really excited to see a Zombie hoard for our special category The Walking Dead.“ said James Henry, Managing Director of Mid-Ohio-Con.
The Major Spoilers Crew (plus a few others) spent the weekend toiling over all the entries, going back and forth over which entrant in the Major Spoilers Costume Contest should be in the Top 5. After much blood, sweat, and tears (mostly on Matthew’s part), we’ve narrowed our list of entrants to five. The in-house voting was very close this year, with one point separating the final five from the the sixth on the list. Who made the finals? Take the jump to find out, then cast your vote to select the winner!