Eleague and Faceit announced back in July that they would be teaming up to put on the Overwatch Open with a prize pool of $300,000. Qualifying play is done, and the top 32 teams have started battling it out.
Browsing: Blizzard
Teased and announced last week at GamesCom, Blizzard has now made the Eichenwald map available for players on the PTR server. Interesting moments are happening.
Over a month of Overwatch play ended at the Atlantic Showdown at GamesCom, featuring two upsets no one was expecting.
Blizzard took the stage at GamesCon in Germany today to give players a look at the first new map for Overwatch, make Reinhardt fans happy, and to premiere their latest animated short starring Bastion.
Dark Horse has announced it has teamed with Blizzard Entertainment to bring the adventures of the game company’s team shooter game Overwatch to comic books, graphic novels, and more.
PRESS RELEASE: Dark Horse Books and Blizzard Entertainment are thrilled to present the next installment of the wildly popular World of Warcraft® Chronicle series.
Overwatch releases tomorrow everyone! We’ve seen a number of animated shorts featuring characters from the online game, and just ahead of the game’s release we get a look at Soldier 76.
Blizzard is killing it with these animated shorts that tie in to the upcoming Overwatch game. The latest turns the spotlight on Hanzo and Genji.
If you were wondering if Warcraft was just going to be paladins and orc warriors, take a look at the latest trailer that features at least one shot of a magic user.
At this point, I think we can all agree that Blizzard Entertainment needs to create an animated film division and get on with making fantastic films that rival what Pixar is doing. Don’t believe me? Take a look at this short film for the upcoming Overwatch game to see Widowmaker and Tracer go at it in the streets of future London.
June 10th is going to be a great day for MMORPG fans, as Warcraft gets the big screen treatment, and the new television spot gives us another glimpse of Azeroth.
Dark Horse Comics and Blizzard Entertainment have set a release date for the first in a multivolume series detailing the history of the Warcraft® universe: World of Warcraft®: Chronicle Volume 1.
Beat Down Boogie went to Blizzcon 2015, and came back with this amazing video of cosplayers in action!
Rejoice Warcraft fans! The official trailer for the movie has been released, and now you can see it in all its glorious detail.