Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

Welcome to Inside Astro City, a column focusing on the Vertigo Comics series Astro City from Kurt Busiek, Brent Anderson, and Alex Ross!  Each month, we’ll take a look at the current issue of the series, and ask series writer Kurt Busiek questions about the book.  This time around, it’s the story of the mysterious Mr. Manta with Inside Astro City #42!

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Major Spoilers Editor-In-Chief Stephen and I have been friends for a very long time, and will often have our friendly sparring matches on social media.  So, when he made what was obviously a joke about a possible Ten Things topic, I immediately got to work… Welcome to Ten Things!

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With his mind back for the first time in years, Man-Thing now has to face the one foe he may not be able to burn:  Himself?  It’s all very meta…  Your Major Spoilers review of Man-Thing #2 awaits!

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Together again for the very first time!  The Girl Of Steel and the Dominoed Daredoll team-up to deal with a mysterious mental manipulation, and realize that maybe they need new nicknames that work better in 2017…  Your Major Spoilers review of Batgirl Annual #1 awaits!

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The Extremists have taken over, and their power would be a challenge even for a Big 7 League.  Can Batman’s new team overcome their first test of mettle?  Your Major Spoilers review of Justice League Of America #3 awaits!

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Astrid Mueller has made many people face their own fears in the Clean Room.  What will happen when she is forced to face her own?  Your Major Spoilers review of Clean Room #17 awaits!

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