In this installment of Critical Hit – A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: The animals meet an old ally in hopes of increasing their ranks.
Who are the animals?
- Bravest Rabbit: Hengeyokai (Rabbit) Fighter
- Mother Mantis: Thri-Kreen Monk
- Longshanks: Hengeyokai (Crane) Bard
- Biium: Pixie Sorcerer
- Plague Jackal: Genasi (Plaguesoul) Druid
NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at
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My daughter started clapping when Poke showed back up.
Got the wiki article for this one up also updated the character pages for all animals in last few episodes.
I would also welcome any help anyone might wish to give. Many hands many light work.
Where to find the wiki?
CROCIGATOR! BOWLER! POKE! It’s a Feywild reunion!
I’m hoping that Biium makes his way to the Exilarchy and stays in the Living Quarters! :D
What a reunion! :D amazing
Cannot stop saying “Hallo! I am de bird!”
“DE BIRD! Hello.”
This episode reminds me of the candleheads intro only instead of breaking Mathew with body horror, Rodrigo is breaking Adriana with cuteness
Some unfinished fan-art i did of Plague Jackal & Biium. Wasn’t sure where to put this, this was the best i could figure :p.
I had heard the “The Animals” episodes this morning on my way to work, and instantly fell in love with the new characters. Keep up the great work guys.
The fan-art –