What will happen to the Marvel Multiverse when Spider-Verse and the Venomverse go head to head in a five-issue mini-series coming in May?
The arachnid war is here! With the fates of the SPIDER-VERSE and VENOMVERSE hanging in the balance, these eight-legged warriors will stop at nothing from protecting their people – or die trying! Will Spider-Man and friends succeed in protecting the Web-Heart? Or will Venom and his symbiotic comrades prove that the Hive-Mind fights for its survival? Meet the newest Web-Head Spider-Prowler as well as the mysterious symbiote Yaleo as this savage battle risks their extinction!
Mat Groom and Kyle HIggins are bringing the tale to life, with the help of artist Luciano Vecchio.
“When Dan Slott and Olivier Copiel launched the SPIDER-VERSE in 2014, it transformed the Spider-Man mythos and completely took over the world,” Groom said. “Since then, creators like Donny Cates, Al Ewing and Ram V have transformed the Venom mythos in a way that is arguably just as vital and transformative. Crashing these worlds together is a genuine honor and a privilege— and it gives us an opportunity to push both sides to the breaking point, so we can all discover whether the Spider and Symbiote communities hold strong against the oncoming storm… or if they crack under the pressure!”
Spider-Verse vs. Venomverse #1 arrives on May 14, 2025.