In January 2025, Marvel Comics will launch the New Champions series, featuring all-new team members led by the creative team of Steve Foxe and Ivan Fiorelli.
The group begins with Liberty, Hellrune, Moon Squire, and Cadet Marvel, but will expand quickly over the first arc of the series as more New Champions answer the call! But not all are destined to be heroes and some have dark connections to established Marvel lore that could spell disaster for the fledging team before they can get off the ground. Each New Champion has a story to tell, and together, they have a world to change! Mystery, action, and drama awaits as Marvel Comics’ next beloved teen super hero team assembles!
“As soon as I saw the New Champions variants, my mind started racing dreaming up possible origins and powers and codenames for these imagined sidekicks,” Foxe explained in a press release from Marvel Comics. “Reverse-engineering the cast from the covers was unlike any other creative process I’ve ever been involved in, and I’m beyond stoked to debut a whole new class of Marvel heroes (and a few villains!) in NEW CHAMPIONS alongside Ivan Fiorelli, who makes each and every one of these new additions feel like they’ve been part of the fabric of the universe all along.”
New Champions, featuring variant covers by Paco Medina, Luciano Vecchio, and Federico Vicentini, arrives on January 08, 2024.