Pipp and Zipp have traded responsibilities! Can they handle trotting a mile in another princess’ horseshoes? Find out in My Little Pony #18 by IDW Publishing.

Writer: Celeste Bronfman
Artist: Amy Mebberson
Colorist: Heather Breckel
Letterer: Neil Uyetake
Editor: Riley Farmer
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 1st, 2023
Previously in My Little Pony: Sunny Starscout and the Mane 5 have tried to unite all ponykind since magic has returned. Now, they must bring unity to two of their own members. Zipp believes that pop stardom is easy and has started a band with Sunny and Izzy while Pipp takes over the Queen-in-training duty.
My Little Pony #18 starts with Pipp struggling to pick suitable soaps for the royal dinner and Zipp tripping over a performance wire during practice. Zipp decides she needs more motivation and invites her fans to watch the rehearsal to add some pressure; however, they decline. This is odd, so Zipp investigates and realizes that another performer, Carotang, is lying about her. This causes her to brashly engage with Carotang and threaten him, which Carotang records and releases to the public.
Meanwhile, Pipp decides that soap picking is tedious and instead tries to cancel the dinner part of the royal dinner in favor of multiple attractions like a golf course and a Ferris wheel. However, the unique mud bath was assembled too quickly and broke, causing a mess.
I have missed a few issues of this series. My daughter has been interested in other things, and we haven’t found the time to read these comics. Thus, I approach My Little Pony #18 without my daughter’s colorful commentary. As I sit and think about what is happening, I understand I am missing a meta-commentary with someone called Milkyway. This comic is more about sibling rivalry and not understanding each other. I was born thirteen years before my brother, so I struggled to relate to this story, as the themes didn’t relate to anything I knew growing up. However, I found myself entertained by the plot points, as an adult can engage with children’s literature. My Little Pony and the current creative team have done a great job making simple lessons accessible while still maintaining a strong narrative plot and characterization. With a pretty solid art style that fits the comic title, I’m pleased with this comic.
My Little Pony #18 is very well written and drawn. I probably would feel more connected if I were up to date with the last couple of issues. However, I think this is an excellent pick for young readers, who will surely have a good laugh and learn a lesson. With that in mind, My Little Pony #18 receives a solid 4 out of 5 stars.
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My Little Pony #18
My Little Pony #18 has a great story providing solid characterizations of Zipp and Pipp.