Scarlett may have ended Project Stardust, but the real masterminds behind it are still at large… and one of them is her brother! Your Major Spoilers review of Scarlett Couture: The Munich File #2 from Titan Comics awaits!
Writer: Des Taylor
Artist: Des Taylor
Colorist: Des Taylor
Letterer: Des Taylor
Editor: Phoebe Hedges
Publisher: Titan Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 13, 2023
Previously in Scarlett Couture: The Munich File: Agent Scarlett Carver and her team embark on a thrilling game of cat and mouse as they’re thrown into the high-stakes world of technological espionage. It soon transpires that the effects of Project Stardust reach further than anyone had anticipated. There are new threats emerging, and this time, it’s personal.
On the run from the people who want to steal a computer program called LADON, Scarlett Carver calls in a favor to get a private jet bound for London. While Simon Klass tries to track her next move by figuring out allies in London, Scarlett diverts the plane to an RAF base to end-run him, instructing her people to analyze the recording she got last issue, in Paris. She also has a seemingly uncrackable SD card and a date in a rather scuzzy club in Shoreditch, where her ex (who is also an ace computer hacker) now makes his money playing the music that goes “OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ.” He is able to help her find the secrets on the card, but his partner hasn’t forgiven her for her a betrayal in their past, sending his assassins after her.
Pinned down in a parking garage by a squad of thugs, Scarlett has only one bullet left when the other shoe finally drops…
It’s always fun to read a comic that wears its influences on its sleeve, but turns them around in interesting ways. Scarlett’s story carries echoes of Sydney Bristow in Alias, a little bit of Archer, and the heapin’ helpin’ of James Bond that most modern spy stories have, but also some new twists. The idea that Scarlett is a public supermodel is a fun one, and (at least in the pages of this book) isn’t just an excuse for cheesecake. Don’t get me wrong, she does put on a fabulous cocktail dress to visit her ex, lovingly detailed by Taylor’s art. But when she starts a gunfight, the action sequence focuses more her prowess than her hemline, making the titular hero as awesome as she is sexy, which is much appreciated.
With the animation stylings of the art and clever use of espionage tropes, Scarlett Couture: The Munich File #2 is an entertaining issue’s worth of comics, whose only real failing is a relative lack of background for the story (which directly continues from the 2015 Scarlett Couture series), earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall.
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This issue is tense, entertaining and fast-paced, featuring all the hallmarks of a good "spy on the run from everyone" story AND a fresh, unique art style. Great stuff.