The survivors of the Hellfire Gala struggle through a mysterious desert while Xavier sits in self-imposed exile. Find out if the nation of Krakoa can weather this storm in Immortal X-Men #15 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Paco Medina
Colorist: David Curiel
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Jordan White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 6th, 2023
Previously in Immortal X-Men: Orchis attacked the Hellfire Gala and forced Xavier to send mutants through the Krakoan Gates. Many of those civilian mutants landed in a mysterious desert led by Exodus, Hope, and Destiny. After the Gala, Xavier believed he killed the mutant nation and now stands vigil on Krakoa, killing any Orchis member who tries to explore the island.
Immortal X-Men #15 starts with an alliance with Sebastian Shaw and Selene Gallio, who intend to raid Krakoa’s resources if they can get past Xavier. Meanwhile, the Krakoan civilians have no resources to survive. Exodus and Hope gather what little moisture is in the air for drinking water, with specific mutants producing a small amount of food. There is nothing to drink and no flora/fauna to eat.
One of the mutants on patrol encounters a group of mindless Logan clones. While quickly dispatched, they seem to be attacking Mother Righteous, who admits to being a mutant and is forced through the Krakoan Gate by Xavier. Luckily, though, Mother Righteous found a place to stay—an oasis in the middle of the desert. However, there is a promise that someone else is here: Apocalypse.
I find it fascinating watching Exodus make promises throughout this trial. Through his dialogue, Immortal X-Men #15 is riddled with religious discussion about a Promised Land, miracles, and even refers to Apocalypse as Satan. This is offset by Destiny’s cynical attitude since she cannot use her mutant abilities. We see something similar to the recent Nightcrawler storylines, where we try to introduce a new mutant religion within the nation, and Exodus almost seems to be taking the nation’s spiritual journey backward in an attempt to spread “Hope.” And this study of society is perhaps the most exciting thing in the comic.
Besides that, not much happened within the story. We got some insights into Shaw’s plan and found Mother Righteous. While we comprehend some of what is happening, the plot barely moves forward. With the hectic pacing of some other comics, I am surprised that we aren’t barreling through the plotline, and perhaps we needed to move a little faster in this issue. Despite that, I enjoyed the characterization offered in this story.
The art was excellent and consistent here as well. The expression and colors of Exodus’ powers stole the show for me. Great work here by the creative team.
Despite some pacing concerns, this is one of the stronger Fall of X titles. And I think that is just because I appreciate Kieron Gillen’s ability to explore characters within his writing. I also enjoyed not having a vast Orchis presence in this comic, and the antagonist was more man vs. nature than man versus prejudice. With all that in mind, Immortal X-Men #15 gets a 4 out of 5 stars.
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Immortal X-Men #15 has some pacing concerns but still appeals to my senses for writing a well-thought-out story.