Discover the intriguing schemes of Doctor Stasis and Mother Righteous in X-Men Before the Fall: The Sinister Four #1. Marvel Comics keeps the suspense alive even as Mister Sinister faces the Pit.
Writer: Kieron Gillen
Artist: Paco Medina
Colorist: Edgar Delgado and Fer Sifuentes-Sujo
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Jordan White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: July 5th, 2023
Previously in X-Men Before the Fall: In the nineteenth century, Nathaniel Essex released four clones of himself, some of who remained hidden in the shadows for a long time. Among them was the well-known and beloved Mister Sinister, but there was also Doctor Stasis, who has now aligned with Orchis. More recently, we discovered Mother Righteous, a clone with the purpose of studying magic. Additionally, in the vast reaches of the universe, Orbis Stellaris emerged as an expert in cosmic forces.
X-Men Before the Fall: The Sinister Four #1 begins with a flashback to Nathaniel Essex proposing to his wife, Rebecca. In the present, Doctor Stasis and Mother Righteous meet, revealing the connection between Mother Righteous and Rebecca. After engaging in business discussions, they embark on a date where uncomfortable topics are explored, leading to a deeper understanding of their respective backstories. Seeking solace, they decide to visit the gravestones of their lost children, aiming to find healing and closure. Eventually, they join forces, and Mother Righteous sets out to steal the moon, but they encounter an entity of death. After a hard-fought battle, they meet Selene, the “Goddess of the moon,” who is now recruited by Stasis.
Kieron Gillen impresses with his ability to make readers care about morally ambiguous characters in X-Men: Before the Fall: The Sinister Four #1. Although these characters are inherently evil and self-centered, we find ourselves almost rooting for them. The Sinister Four’s manipulative schemes and strategic use of their destructive pasts create an intriguing dynamic. It becomes clear that Dr. Stasis does not genuinely love Mother Righteous; their meeting serves his personal agenda. Nonetheless, the interaction between these characters is compelling, and the creative team skillfully executes the intended narrative.
The art in this issue maintains consistent quality and showcases well-executed character designs. The line work is particularly noteworthy, enhancing the visual appeal of the comic and adding depth to the storytelling.
The creative direction taken with the Sinister storyline is commendable, and Kieron Gillen seems up to the challenge of balancing the intricate ideas presented without overwhelming the reader. With that in mind, X-Men Before the Fall: The Sinister Four #1 receives a solid rating of 4.5 out of 5. The engaging narrative leaves us eagerly anticipating what will happen next.
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X-Men Before the Fall: The Sinister Four #1 delivers a masterfully crafted storyline, blurring the lines between good and evil. The comic's exceptional writing compels readers to sympathize with morally ambiguous characters.