We’re celebrating 750 issues of everyone’s favorite sentinel(s) of liberty, and it’s an all-star bash! Your Major Spoilers review of Captain America #750 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writer: Tochi Onyebuchi/Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly/Stephanie Williams/J.M. DeMatteis/Dan Jurgens/Cody Ziglar/Gail Simone
Artist: R.B. Silva/Carmen Carnero/Rachel Stott/Sara Pichelli/Dan Jurgens & Brett Breeding/Marcus Williams
Colorist: Jesus Aburtov/Nolan Woodard/Matt Milla/Matt Wilson/Alex Sinclair/Daniel Acuna
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Alanna Smith
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $7.99
Release Date: July 5, 2023
Previously in Captain America: After the harrowing events of Captain America: Cold War, the Captains America return home to mourn their fallen – and strive to honor the power of legacy. Plus: The secret origin of Sam Wilson’s new shield revealed, and a bold new direction for Sharon Carter!
Sam Wilson begins our tale, as he visits the graves of his parents, telling the story of how he got his new shield and how he once again donned the star-spangled garb of Captain America on a regular basis, even as he worried about the metaphorical weight of the shield. For his part, Steve Rogers is busy at the funeral of Roger Aubrey, one of the men to wear the mantle of The Destroyer, who recently gave his life to stop the threat of the Outer Circle in Steve’s own book. There are some lovely moments of reflection by Destroyer’s friends and colleagues, including Sharon Carter taking up the mantle and FINALLY getting herself a decent superhero alias. Steve even finally hashes things out with Bucky (long story), leading us into the upcoming finale of that story. Sam/Cap speaks to a graduating class, Steve/Cap remembers his fallen friend Arnie Roth, the Captains America enjoy a little friendly competition, and the celebration wraps up with a lovely story where a group of kids from Brooklyn introduce a Hydra agent to their own brand of hospitality.
This issue’s use of both the active Captains is nicely managed, and I find the balance of stories to be pretty close to about right, giving Sam time to talk about how he was recruited to The Avengers to fill a quota, but came to terms with his own status as both hero and man. There’s a nice balance of the serious and the amusing as well, with the final story hitting all the heartstrings as only Gail Simone can. The difficult part of having this much story comes in how to address each story on its own merits. All the art teams do great work, but Acuna’s story stands out for me, as does the flashback sequences of Jurgens and Breeding’s story, but none of the creative teams fall below the level of “above-average.” There are a couple of moments here that do expect you to have a working knowledge of the Captains’ solo books, but on the whole, this is an issue that you can pick up unprepared and still thoroughly enjoy.
The anthology nature of Captain America #750 means there’s a little something for everybody, whether you like suspense, drama, the MCU, or Marvel’s ’60 cartoon output, and each creative team brings something special to the block party, earning a better-than-average 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. I just hope that there are lasting ramifications of the substantial changes that take place in these pages.
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It has been five years since Captain America #700, which makes this special issue actually feel special, and the balance of creators and stories is well-handled, even if the package once again feels overpriced.