Rogue and Gambit work their hardest to help Krakoa. Even when they take a vacation, trouble is around the corner. Find out if they can get their Cajun Spice back in Rogue and Gambit #1 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Stephanie Phillips
Artist: Carlos Gomez
Colorist: David Curiel with Federico Blee
Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher
Editor: Sarah Brunstad
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 1st, 2023
Previously in Rogue and Gambit: Rogue and Gambit are trying to rekindle their marriage. Unfortunately, they have a ton of responsibilities for Krakoa as well as handling Mystique and Destiny, Rogue’s adopted parents.
Rogue and Gambit #1 starts with Gambit being attacked by the thieves’ guild of New Orleans and is incredibly drunk. Rogue arrives to help him and drag him back to their hotel. Through conversation points, we find out that Rogue was several hours late to their dinner reservation, prompting Gambit’s binge drinking. The following day, they start to talk about how they need to reconnect before being interrupted by Destiny. Destiny wants Rogue to help bring in Manifold but will not give any reason behind the request. Rogue agrees, and Gambit reluctantly follows.
They find Manifold in Nevada, who refuses to help them. Instead, he reveals that Lady Deathstrike was kidnapped from prison. This follows a stream of other people going missing, including Electro. Rogue and Gambit offer to help, and they find Lady Deathstrike, controlled by a chip and being sold to Ambassador Brousseau. As they help, they find someone dampening their powers. Manifold teleports Rogue and Gambit to safety before being taken prisoner.
When I was younger, these two title characters were among my favorites. Now I’m a married adult revisiting them and empathizing with them for their marriage. And I find that thought interesting. No longer am I interested in that “cool” factor of the characters despite both having great character designs. Instead, I am interested in how they work together as a couple. Rogue and Gambit #1 provided a remarkable inciting incident and characterization of Rogue and Gambit. I want to know more about these characters and whether this incident will bring them closer or drive them apart. The difficulty for me was the plot. Destiny has her hands in everything lately, and I haven’t been on board with her as a plot device. I am also not convinced that these two would go on this mission, so my engagement dwindles because of those elements. Beyond that, I find this to be a well-told story.
What strikes me about the art is the use of colors in the backdrop. I don’t think the artists and a real opportunity to portray their skills yet. But the use of color added mood and tension within the story. Great work here.
Rogue and Gambit #1 have an exciting premise and give me enough to want the next issue. This is a nostalgia hit for me, but it is a good pick-up for anyone interested in the characters. On top of that, many of the X-Men books feature teams, and it is nice to read something that features just two characters. 4 out of 5 stars for Rogue and Gambit #1.
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Rogue and Gambit #1
Although the plot seems generic, Rogue and Gambit #1 have an excellent inciting incident and characterization.