Taegukgi’s past has come back to haunt him! Come check out his origin story and how it affects South Korea in Tiger Division #3 by Marvel Comics!

Writer: Emily Kim
Artist: Creees Lee and Craig Yeung
Colorist: Yen Nitro
Letterer: VC’s Ariana Maher
Editor: Lindsey Cohick
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 11th, 2023
Previously in Tiger Division: The Psylot Gem was stolen, and Tiger Division was ambushed when they tried to recover it. So much so that the General sustained a severe injury. The team linked the ambush to a mega-corporation, MTO. Taegukgi investigates MTO only to find an old friend, a cybernetically enhanced Min-Jae!
Tiger Division #3 starts with Lady Bright realizing something is wrong and tracking Tae-Won to the MTO building. Meanwhile, Taegukgi and Min-Jae talk about their last meeting. While running a criminal group, they found a heist for military-grade weapons. When performing the heist, Tae-Won found a crystal and absorbed it while the rest of the crew escaped. Min-Jae then faked his own death, so the government could stop hunting their crew. In the present, Tiger Division tries to back up Taegukgi but not before Min-Jae puts him into a machine to take away his power and give it to himself!
There are many exciting ideas in Tiger Division #3, and it provides a ton of insight into the Taegukgi character. However, I felt the story’s pacing started to slow down quite a bit, attributing that to the story spending too long in the flashback. Nonlinear storytelling is intricate, and this issue had an extended period where we are not in the main timeline. And don’t get me wrong, the criminal-to-superhero trope is engaging. It just didn’t provide enough present-day conflict to recapture my attention. This leads to a common issue with miniseries. They will read better as a trade than as a single issue. Because this idea in the pacing of the entire story probably does pretty well. But without the larger contexts, it was prolonged.
The art is excellent in Tiger Division #3. I like the change of style between the past and the present. The character designs are engaging, even if we spent a ton of our page space in the past. I am interested to see if they depower Taegukgi and how that visually looks on the page. Good job from the artist and colorist in this issue.
I enjoy Tiger Division #3 because it features new characters with unique stories to tell. When we consider Korean culture and values, there is a new perspective on old superhero tropes. However, this comic didn’t quite work for me as a stand-alone. Tiger Division #3 is a 3 out of 5 stars.
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Tiger Division #3
Tiger Division #3 slowed down the pacing too much with nonlinear storytelling but still promises a reasonable conclusion with the development of these characters.