The Exiles need to save Orphan-Maker before Orchis can crack his armor! Find out if Sabretooth can lead his team in Sabretooth and the Exiles #2 by Marvel Comics!
Writer: Victor LaValle
Artist: Leonard Kirk
Colorist: Rain Beredo
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Editor: Mark Basso
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 21st, 2022
Previously in Sabretooth and the Exiles: Sabretooth broke Krakoa’s law and was sentenced to the Pit of Krakoa. After his escape, he abandoned the other people in the Pit and was promptly captured by Orchis. The other Exiles chased after him and arrived at the Orchis’ prison, where Sabretooth freed himself, and Orphan-Maker was taken. Sabretooth now teams up with the other Exiles to save Orphan-Maker before he destroys the world.
Meanwhile, the Exiles break into the Orchis base and find a ton of mutant prisoners. As they plan their next step, The Creation reveals that Orphan-Maker nearly killed Dr. Barrington when he started to take off his helmet. To prevent an end-of-the-world event, Third Eye teleported everyone to the astral plane to try and change reality.
The art style seemed run of the mill for current Marvel titles. The backgrounds tend to be pretty straightforward, but I like the character designs in this issue, specifically of Nekra and The Creation. They are dynamic on the page, and I can’t wait to see them in action. On top of that, the colors of the Third Eye teleporting them to the Astral Plane captivated the eye. Great work by the creative team.
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Sabretooth and the Exiles #2 gives an insight into some new characters that could be significant players in future X-Men titles.