Padawan Sav Malagan joined the Jedi Order but isn’t satisfied with her training. Find out what kind of trouble she gets into in Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #1 by Dark Horse Comics!

Writer: Daniel Jose Older
Artist: Toni Bruno
Colorist: Michael Atiyeh
Letterer: Tyler Smith and Jimmy Betancourt
Editor: Matt Dryer
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 30th, 2022
Previously in Star Wars: Check out this new series with new characters. It is a time of exploration, and the Chancellors of the Republic have dispatched dozens of teams to the outer rim. But communication is unreliable, and these planets have different mysteries. Prospectors and pirates roam the frontier, and a war is on the horizon.
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #1 introduces us to Sav Malagan. She is a strong force user who was accepted into the Jedi Order. She hates the monotony of meditation and training and often sneaks out to visit a pirate bar. Today, the legendary pirate Maz Kanata is visiting. Out of boredom, Sav starts a fight between a pirate hunter and a pirate. Maz stops the fighting, and Sav follows Dexy Jet out of the bar on a whim. Dexy wants to follow the pirate hunter to ensure he doesn’t cause trouble.
After trailing the hunter, they encounter a weird cult led by a criminal outfit called the Dank Graks. The trio is caught, and Sav must use her lightsabers to fight off the droids. After escaping, Dex talks to Maz Kanata. They decide to return to space, but not before inviting Sav to join the crew!
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #1 is a perfect example of government versus rabble-rousers. Both sides seem to have good people but completely different philosophies. Sav Malagan is an exciting point-of-view character that appears to be part of both worlds and is trying to find fun. But she isn’t a serious character. She intentionally starts a fight and doesn’t seem to enjoy monotony. I’m interested in how this character develops and explores this weird pirate adventure.
The writing style is excellently paced and creates a great amalgam of plot, characters, and settings. The story never felt rushed or slow, and I’m invested in the overall conflict. The creative team also did a great job with their alien character design. Great work all around.
This is a pleasant comic. While Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #1 doesn’t explore deep or complex themes yet, it is nice to just enjoy a well-written and well-designed comic. With that in mind, this comic is a solid 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #1
Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #1 provides an excellent start to a light-hearted story.