It is a Cosmic Rewind with Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot! Can they figure out how to power up their drained ship? Will Quill ever have time to be interviewed? And why has Terra suddenly become so interesting? Find out in Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind #1 from Marvel!

Writer: Kevin Shinick
Artist: Gerardo Sandoval
Colorist: Israel Silva
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Ellie Pyle
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 2, 2022
Previously in Guardians of the Galaxy: The members may vary, and the threats are numerous, but the team is always there to keep things safe out in the wider universe. Peter Quill is back along with Gamora, Drax, Rocket, and Groot. And The Worldmind has been tasked with finding out as much as it can about Terrans…
Guardians of the Galaxy #1 Cosmic Rewind opens with The Worldmind commenting on Terra and its resident humans. They are known throughout the galaxy, sometimes loved, and sometimes despised. It decides to interview the nearest human, Peter Quill, and contacts him to set up an interview.
Quill and the Guardians are, naturally, in the middle of a fight. Here the writing captures the tone of the Guardians we recognize from the movies. Quill says he is busy. Drax comments that the tiny aliens they are fighting are angry because they are stealing their gems. Gamora counters that they are really only looking for one particular gem to power their ship. Groot announces that he is Groot, and Rocket admits to intending to “borrow” some additional gems. It is delightful.
Just as Rocket asks someone to give him a hand, the boss monster appears, and it is a giant hand with an eye in the middle of its palm and a gem above the eye. This amuses Drax, and the hand punches him into a cliff. Rocket figures out that the gem they need is the one in the hand. More amusing fighting occurs, and The Worldmind asks Quill if now would be convenient. He recommends it asks someone else, and it says it did, but Drax was not that helpful.
Drax has only Quill to measure by and told The Worldmind that humans were probably inspirational. Battle banter continues, and it comes out that Rocket and Groot also spoke to the Worldmind. Rocket conceded that humans are pretty smart. In the battle, they figure out that the tiny aliens are working with the giant hand, and we learn that Gamora was also interviewed. Even though it is easy to see this coming, the delivery was great. She grudgingly admits that humans can be caring.
Quill notices the hand seems especially important to the tiny aliens and changes plans, asking Rocket if he could come up with a way to siphon the gem’s power away without taking the gem itself. He does so. All he needs to do is act like a jerk and get the hand to shoot at him, so he can duck and funnel the energy to their ship. Or let Groot think up an alternative.
Finally, Quill has time for the interview. But little do they all know, a Celestial is out there, and he has some definite ideas about planet Terra!
The art of Guardians of the Galaxy #1 is solid and dynamic. I love the double-page spread that introduces the opening fight for so many reasons. The composition features all five Guardians with room for their snarky comments. Even though it is crowded, there is a lot of depth. And this is our first look at the tiny aliens which are indeed tiny. Despite their size, they are ferocious. Their eyes are red and angry, and their mouths are full of sharp teeth. At most, they are a foot tall, probably shorter, and they come in a rainbow of colors. They have the right amount of ridiculousness that fits well with this team.
One of the requests Quill used to delay his interview was to insist on a comfy chair with a cup holder. The Worldmind grants this, and it becomes the centerpiece of the subsequent interviews with the other team members. It is a touchpoint that allows us to switch scenes back and forth effortlessly as well as a prop for everyone who does take time for the interview.
Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind #1 is just plain fun. Some readers may miss certain team members, but this combination works together well and is good for humor. I like having a fast, light-hearted opening while the story is plainly setting up for something more intense.
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Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind
The Guardians are back and are as goofy and hard-working as ever.