Rose Osler is a doctor. When a battle between superheroes and supervillains erupts, Rose must push her limits to save everyone, but at what cost? Find out in Crashing #1 by IDW Publishing!

Writer: Matthew Klein
Artist: Morgan Beem
Colorist: Triona Farrell
Letterer: Hassan Otsman-Elhaou
Editor: Heather Antos and Vanessa Gonzalez Real
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 21st, 2022
Previously in Crashing: Rose Osler was an alcoholic and a junky before turning her life around and becoming a doctor. However, powered people have been wreaking havoc in Boston, and Rose struggles to keep her Hippocratic oath.
Crashing #1 starts with a memo informing Rose that she cannot treat powered individuals. This is a problem when superhero Rex Glassman arrives injured. Breaking policy, she saves Rex’s life and nearly gets fired. Exhausted, she heads home. At home, Rose’s partner is a politician pushing for superhero registration. However, as soon as Rose comes in, she gets a text message to go back out. Rose heads to a secret building when she has to save Gordian, a supervillain. If Rose doesn’t, they threaten to kill her husband. Rose is exhausted, and to stay awake during the surgery and save her husband, she breaks her seven-year sobriety, takes a pill, and prepares to save a villain’s life.
I am impressed by how quickly I became attached to Rose in Crashing #1. I picked his book last week for review and promptly forgot about the premise. When I opened the first page, everything was brand new to me, and I admit I wasn’t prepared for a medical comic. Rose is in a complex situation, and I immediately feel empathy for the overworked doctor. We then developed even more attachment when we realized she was an addict. Now, she is just addicted to caffeine and the high-stress lifestyle. This is highly relatable because I have often pushed myself to the limit to try and do what I perceive is best. And when you add superheroes and villains to the narrative, it adds a whole new dimension to the plot.
I am lukewarm in the art style. The book has excellent background layouts and adds visual cues to signify what is going on. You can see Rose’s energy levels change throughout the entirety of the book. But I don’t know if I am feeling the monocolored panels. However, I respect the artistic choice, and the creative team did a great job overall.
I really enjoyed the themes of Crashing #1. This will be an engaging series, and I am optimistic about future issues. Rose is a fascinating character, and I want to see what are the consequences of the decisions she has made. This comic is a solid 4 out of 5 stars from me, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!
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Crashing #1
Crashing #1 made us attached to the main character and created empathy for her complex situation.