It’s the first day on the job, what could go wrong? Surely not the end of the universe. Your Major Spoilers review of Damage Control #1 from Marvel Comics awaits!

Writers: Adam T. Goldberg, J. Hans Rodionoff, and Charlotte (Fullerton) McDuffie
Artists: Will Robson & Jay Fosgitt
Colorist: Ruth Redmond
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editors: Tom Brevoort & Will Moss
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 24th, 2022
Previously in Damage Control: After the mega-powered battles and Hulk-level catastrophes, Damage Control is always there to clean up the mess and get things back to normal. But Damage Control is much more than just a glorified cleanup crew.
Damage Control #1 starts off in the middle of a job interview. Gus, effortlessly gets himself an internship with Damage Control and within a few moments finds himself in the mail room. He receives his first task of delivering a time-sensitive item to Albert Cleary. After a few run-ins with Ghost Rider and She-Hulk, he manages to make the delivery. He is then given a talking to about his abilities in being able to deliver mail and sent off again to finish his deliveries. With the help of a particular blue German mutant, he’s able to make all his stops before the day ends, Except for one, very important item. In a backup story, another intern Bart, is tasked with giving his mother a tour of his workplace, until through a series of shenanigans, she finds herself face to face with Thanos.
Damage Control #1 isn’t hiding what it’s going for here. The first story is a cartoonish take on the Marvel universe, using the guise of a workplace sitcom to get it done, which makes sense considering the creators’ pedigree. In that regard, it absolutely works. While the plot is about as deep as the typical sitcom, the real joy here is seeing the typically serious superheroes shown in a humorous light. Surprisingly, it doesn’t do too much to make this happen. Rather than putting any of the heroes in any sort of silly scenarios themselves, instead, the humor surrounding them is based on them having to do mundane things that us normal folks do. The second story isn’t as successful with its humor. The whole tale seems to be predicated on “wouldn’t it be funny to see a mother scold Thanos?” and then beelines it to this event without much to say for jokes along the way. Then when it gets there, fails to utilize any aspect of Thanos’ personality to help with the jokes. Considering that this issue is only a regular-sized comic, this failed joke just takes up too much real estate.
In an era where most mainstream comics tend to go for very clean and “realistic” art styles, seeing some familiar characters in a more lighthearted light. Characters like Moon Knight, Ghost Rider, and She-Hulk are allowed to look a little silly, without moving into caricature territory. The second story once again falls short here. It simply looks like it’s more fitting for a one-panel gag in Mad Magazine rather than a full-fledged story.
If you’re looking for a more humorous book to possibly cleanse your palate of the typical comic book fare, Damage Control #1 is a fine choice. While the second story is lacking, the first is a decent little story that manages to poke a little fun at the Marvel U, without being mean-spirited or crass. 3 out of 5 stars.
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Damage Control #1
Damage Control #1 has one half that works as a sort of sitcom trapped in a comic book. While the other just can’t manage to stick the landing with its joke setup.