Doctor Stasis has planned a dangerous and public attack against the X-Men. Find out who dies in X-Men #7 by Marvel Comics!

X-MEN #7
Writer: Gerry Duggan
Artist: Pepe Larraz
Colorist: Marte Garcia
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Editor: Jordan D. White
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 26th, 2022
Previously in X-Men: The X-Men are at odds with Orchis, the anti-mutant group, and Dr. Stasis. Dr. Stasis knows something is amiss about mutantkind and managed to get his hands on an autopsy report for Cyclops. Meanwhile, Ben Ulrich has figured out the secret of resurrection, but someone has erased the memory from him. What is going on? Especially when the X-Men has publicly lost one of their own.
X-Men #7 is an action-packed comic book that starts with Dr. Stasis preparing his beast mutations for war against the X-Men. The inevitable fight is brutal because the only X-Men in New York is Cyclops, Wolverine, Sunfire, and Synch. This forces Cyclops to go all out, and it is a visually stunning display. However, it is also a trap. The beasts they are fighting have been laced with explosives in their bodies. When Sunfire uses his mutant ability to fight, he unintentionally causes a massive explosion. This forces the team into overdrive to save as many people from the burning buildings as possible. Synch somehow takes Jean Grey’s power despite Jean being off-world to control some of the flames. But Cyclops is killed by a medic after taking severe injuries in the encounter.
Scott Summers wakes up after being resurrected and takes on his new alias as Captain Krakoa. But he wonders what is going on and if he can trust everyone on the Quiet Council.
The whole idea of Captain Krakoa is kind of crazy that has implications that eventually, every mutant who dies will need a new identity. X-Men #7 was set up incredibly well. Show how cool and powerful Cyclops is and then put him into a position where he can’t be cool. And then add art and coloring that shows the frustration on Scott’s face. Which is an excellent way to introduce this kind of storyline. I’m just not convinced that this is the best direction to take the title. This storyline seems to be carrying substantial political intrigue elements. There is distrust within the Quiet Council, and we even see the X-Men in the Devil’s Reign event. I want the focus of this book to be on the X-Men stopping Dr. Stasis first. If we add all these political elements, we may lose sight of that. But those are my thoughts, and I have been wrong before. Regardless, I can’t wait to see what happens next issue.
X-Men #7 is a visually stunning book that does incredible things with Cyclops. This is worth a read, and I hope that we can see Cyclops grow as a character throughout the next couple of issues. 4 out of 5 stars for X-Men #7.
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X-Men #7
X-Men #7 makes exciting choices that set up a different storyline than what I expected in the X-Men universe.