Over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed that Cats has arrived on my pay-cable channels. Having lived through the phase where all my female friends were obsessed with The Phantom of The Opera (and barely having survived it), I’m not a fan of Andrew Lloyd Webber, nor am I particularly enamored of Eliot’s poetry, save for The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. As such, I’ve been avoiding the film whenever it pops up, and while I don’t hate the idea of it, I’ve pretty much come to terms with the truth that I’m never gonna see it, and that’s okay. This also raised an important question in my mind, which leads us to today’s ragged-pair-of-claws query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) will also never forgive Baron Lloyd-Webber for a particular earworm song from one of his big musicals that was once stuck in my head for three years, asking: What big-time film may be wonderful, but you’ll never know, ’cause you’re never gonna see it?
After the first one left me cold, the Matrix sequels fell into this category before they were even made.
There aren’t many single movies like this to me, if any because its only two hours wasted at worst. On the other hand, TON of long “quality” TV shows fall into this category.
If I’d have to say one, its probably Harry Potters. Never saw any when they came out, never saw any appeal to British rich kids privare school with cgi magic.
This may be heresy, but Marvels ‘Eternals.’ I enjoy the Marvel movies, but the trailers for this movie do nothing for me.
Trailer did absolutely nothing to me too but went anyway last night because buddy asked me. I can say its better than my low expectations and its perhaps the most “real film” of the MCU. And I don’t think it fits in with the rest of them at all because of that reason. Completely different look, style of direction and photography, most of the themes. Only thing in common is character’s names taken from comic books and silly alien weirdos in a drama movie.
Titanic. Its artistic/critical merits can be debated, but solely on the strength that my mom thinks it’s the greatest movie ever created because it’s one of the three movies she’s ever gone to see in a theater, to the point where she had no idea that the Marvel movies was even a thing, even in passing, seeing commercials on tv, anything, is enough to put me off for life.
I mean, like what you like, and certainly people have understandable issues with superhero movies and franchises, but to remain completely unaware of the fact that any of it exists (aside from being vaguely aware that superheroes were a thing i liked when i was a child, and that’s the only frame of reference she has) is kind of wild. I wish i had that kind of tunnel-vision sometimes.
Anyway, yeah. Eff Titanic.
Yea, I have made a point not to see Titanic, even on TV. It is one of those over hyped films.
There is a long list of Movies that I doubt I will ever see, whether deliberately or just by happenstance.
I have never seen the entire Wizard of OZ (original) movie, only tidbits of it at different times in my life. Somehow I don’t think I will ever watch the whole thing from beginning to end, even if it is synced with “The Wall”.
Never seen Gone With the Wind…. Never really had a desire to.
Most likely Won’t watch Cats the Musical (or the butts edition) or any other musical for that matter… never had the urge to watch dance and singing in my movie entertainment….
Have never seen Casablanca or Citizen Kane…… maybe one day: but time is running out rapidly.
There are very few movies that I would say a definite ‘NO’ to if given the chance to see them as I have always had the opinion that to appreciate the ‘Good’ movies you have to see the ‘Bad’ ones as well. And some of those bad ones have been pretty bad…..and some have been quite enjoyable……’A Good Waste Of 2 Hours’ as i say. I have never walked out of a movie( but fell asleep during one).