Spooky season is here, and with it comes candy and treats you give out to all the kids (of any age). But, if you don’t want your house egged this year, you should probably not try and give us these candies.
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1 Comment
Living in the city from whence Tootsie Rolls and Necco Wafers came, i recognize those are terrible candies, but i occasionally get down with a mini tootsie roll (or more likely a tootsie pop) for the nostalgia.
Black licorice is pretty bad, but my king of terrible candies will always be those horrible dots that are stuck on a sheet of paper, and when you tear them off, half the paper comes off with it, and you end up eating more paper than candy. Time/labor intensive, and the generic sugar taste isn’t worth the bits of half-digested paper you end up spitting out or picking outta your teeth.