As a comic fan of several decades tenure, there are few fictional characters that I am more annoyed by than Edna Mode. With one throwaway joke, she has given some of the worst people what they think is an unassailable argument against the cape. If you ask me, capes are one of the basic building blocks of the superhero archetype, right up there with a tragic backstory and complete lack of respect for physics. Some characters absolutely NEED a cape, whether it be for balance purposes, for hiding their flaws or just plain to LOOK cooooool, leading to today’s towel-around-the-neck query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) reminds Faithful Spoilerites that “None of them” is pretty much the ONLY invalid MS-QOTD response, as it’s just no fun, asking: What superhero or villain character who doesn’t have one absolutely NEEDS a cape?
Howard the Duck needs a popped-collar cape.
Batman Beyond looks incomplete without a cape.
Now I’m picturing a side-market in the Incredibles world where novice superheroes are trained in the proper, safe wearing of capes.
Sabrina The Teenage Witch, especially her “serious” iterations, your Chilling Adventures or Afterlife With Archie and such