The best day of the week just got a lot better with a new round of awesome comics arriving in stores this week. Staff members at Major Spoilers are here to help you with your comic book selection this week, with their roundup of comics they recommend.

EVE #5 (OF 5)
Writer: Victor LaValle
Artist: Jo Migyeong
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: Will Eve finally fulfill her destiny as humanity’s last hope? Eve’s long journey is coming to a head as she finally arrives at the Vault, which is now sunk deep below the ocean surface off the coast of Washington State. But what, or who, she finds within will either lead Eve to complete the most important mission of all time… or complete the world’s destruction. The epic conclusion to the dystopian fable no comic reader can afford to miss!
CHRISTOPHER: This has been a great story involving Eve coming-of-age and dealing with the consequences of climate change. I admit, I don’t know how this will end and I am excited to see what happens.

Writer: Henry Barajas and Claire Napier
Artist: Rahmat Handoko and Brian Valenza
Publisher: Image Comics
Cover Price: $4.99
SOLICITATION: Can MEXICA weather the ice storm? Is this the end for Helm Greycastle? BONUS: Last one-shot (5E Compatible) RPG written by MATT HAWKINS (THINK TANK) for new or experienced players!
CHRISTOPHER: Helm Greycastle has been a good foray into none-Tolkien based fantasy and I have loved every minute of it. Plus, a D&D one-shot? Sign me up!

Writer: Sas Milledge
Artist: Sas Milledge
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $4.99
SOLICITATION: Who will Orla and Jo turn to for help when they really need it? Haresden is in chaos! From destroyed troll cairns to a bewitched flock of sheep being mesmerized by a mysterious moth that may be Mamo’s familiar. Maybe the girls could enlist the help of a murder of crows and their leader, Caractus, who owes Jo an old life debt? It just might be time for Jo to lead Orla into something new, and strange, and magical. That is, if these corvids can even be trusted.
INGRID: This is a truly delightful book with wonderful world-building. Jo was brave enough to ask the young witch, Orla, for help, and to help her in turn. Between them, they have figured out what might be causing the trouble in Haresden, and Jo is determined to fix things. With every chapter, the story gets richer. If magic is your thing, this is well worth the read.

Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Jeff Lemire
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $5.99
SOLICITATION: A lonely building inspector still grieving the loss of his puzzle-loving daughter receives a mysterious phone call one night from a girl claiming it’s her and that she’s trapped in the middle of a labyrinth. Convinced that this child is contacting him from beyond this world, he uses an unfinished maze from one of her journals and a map of the city to trace an intricate path through a different plane of reality on an intense and melancholy adventure to bring his daughter back home.
STEPHEN: This book is overpriced, but it is a fantastic read about loss, isolation, and what may be a very scary journey for the protagonist.

Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artist: Tyler Crook
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: Unbelievable Unteens comic-book artist Jane Ito finds her world flipped upside down after discovering that the heroes from her comics were not so fictional and she herself was one of them and had powers. As she and the team of underdog heroes once known as the Unteens begin to come back together they slowly discover what happened to them, why their memories were wiped, and who was behind this evil plot. An exciting reimagination of the Eisner Award-winning Black Hammer series!
INGRID: As if I didn’t already love the world of Black Hammer so much, now there is a new group. The Unbelievable Unteens were a group of teen superheroes, but their memories have been wiped clean, as though they never existed outside of the pages of comic books. But now they are starting to remember, making for a tense and exciting read.
ROBOT OVERLORD: New Art, Every Time
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