The JLU crew is back, and things are about to get cosmic! Your Major Spoilers review of Justice League: Infinity #1 from DC Comics awaits!

Writer: JM DeMatteis and James Tucker
Artist: Ethen Beavers
Colorist: Nick Filardi
Letterer: Tom Napolitano
Editor: Andrew Marino
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 6, 2021
Previously in Justice League: Infinity: There is a being wandering the universe searching for its true purpose, but what it finds out on the farthest edges of the cosmos will change not just our universe, but many! Meanwhile, the war for the throne of Apokolips arrives on Earth, and the true ruler will only be decided one way: Who can destroy the Justice League?
Justice League: Infinity #1 opens with the android Amazo, who left Earth seeking his purpose during the last season of Justice League Unlimited. He encounters a strange cosmic entity that appears to be a pair of giant doors, and upon passing through, he is shown infinite variations of himself. Hang on to that, it’ll be important later. Back on Earth, we meet an elderly widower called Amrit, living in New Delhi, and get to see her delightful interactions with her friend, Eruch. Amrit has a secret, though: She’s actually J’onn J’onzz, The Martian Manhunter, who has given up his Justice League life to find fulfillment in humanity. Indeed, it becomes clear that J’onn has been narrating the story, as he switches to check in on his Justice League friends, who have prepared a surprise party for The Flash on his birthday. The celebration is interrupted by twin armies, one led by Granny Goodness and the other by Kalibak, leading to an all-out battle royale. As the issue ends, the Apokaliptians are banished, but Lois Lane is stunned when her husband transforms into a different Superman entirely, thanks (it seems) to Amazo’s explorations.
The best part of Justice League: Infinity #1 comes in how clearly it knows the JLU lore, picking up sometime after the series finale. The little bits of continuity (Hawkgirl mentions her breakup with Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Batman may or may not be a couple, Elongated Man and Booster still needle one another) are fun, especially when it becomes clear that Darkseid’s defeat in the last episode is why Apokalips has become such a terrible threat.
That’s also the downside of Justice League Infinity #1, as the book has literally dozens of characters in play, and it might easily be overwhelming to a new reader or someone only tangentially aware of the cartoon lore. Beavers’ art is perfectly suited to the material here, as he perfectly synthesizes the DCAU style while giving it slightly more definition and expression. It’s a very good looking issue, though I have some issues with the connective bits of storytelling during the combat sequence that takes up much of the issue.
The big question of a book like Justice League: Infinity #1 will be it’s fidelity to the material it’s adapting, and this issue gets much of that exactly right, delivering a last page shocker that makes me want to come back last issue, while juggling its large cast and vast canvas quite well, earning a better-than-average 3 out of 5 stars overall. This will be familiar in ways both good and troubling for seasoned viewers, but if you’ve been wishing for more DCAU Justice League (or perhaps an animated-style Blue Beetle), this is the book for you.
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The animated Justice League picks up where they left off, but there's a few twists and turns along the way. It's a pretty impressive start, though there are a LOT of questions it raises.