As a rule, your humble MS-QOTD tries not to make questions that are all negative and filled with spite and recriminations: For one thing, it’s very emotionally draining, and for another, we have the entire Internet if you want to listen to people rage against their particular machines. Still, all y’all Spoilerites are a pretty cool bunch, so I trust that you guys won’t bury me in ragehatefacery if given a chance to play a little “out with the old” in our pop culture wheelhouses. Thus, we have to consider what we would do if we were given the Infinity Gauntlet (with a strict set of limitations because Thanos is kind of a jerk) leading to today’s omnipotent-only-not-really query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would like to request that Faithful Spoilerites not target specific real-world individuals, but rather characters, tropes or bits of business, asking: If you could utterly erase one thing in all of pop culture, what would be your choice to go out with the old?
Sympathetic vampires. I was done with that even before it was a ‘thing.’
Sue Dibny refrigeration. and that whole trope.