Dan runs down the latest game news including which publishers are not attending Gen-Con.
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- SDJ Nominees were announced
- Gen Con — Bunch of Companies announcing they are out
- Asmodee USA, Asmodee NA studios (FFG, Z-Man?), Ultra PRO, and Paizo, Greater Than Games
- Fantasy Flight Games announced their 3rd big 5 campaign expansion for Marvel Champions–> The Mad Titan’s Shadow, releasing in August $40
- I stumbled upon a service called Unbox Boardom — Decent idea for Father’s Day. You can check them out at (@unboxboardom for FB/Twitter/IG) or unboxboardom
- Renegade — Transformers DBG will release in Aug $45
- CGE has released a free Lost Ruins of Arnak Solo Campaign.
- The Witcher:Old World
- Robot Quest Arena DBG
- Paperback Adventures –Novel Solo Word Game
- Journey to Ecrya: An Adventure Board Game — Rotating GMs
- Mosaic- A Troy of Civilization
- Path of Light and Shadow:Solstice
- Lockup:Breakout Expansion— Expansion for Lockup:A Roll Player Tale
- CastleScape— A Deck Building Board Game
- Buru