Someone on the Internet once said that Netflix will eventually boil its interface down to two buttons, one that says “Baking” and one that says “True Crime”, and I sort of believe it. For my part, I’m not a fan of the crime genre (possibly because I come from the stomping grounds of the BTK killer) or a lot of stories about murder and mayhem. Give me a good romance, and I’m actually pretty happy, especially if the actors are sufficiently charismatic, like that new Kristin Stewart Christmas movie. The choice of romance or murder is thus any easy one for me, but I realize that my experiences aren’t universal, leading to today’s genre query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) can even tolerate the Hallmark Channel, especially the movies starring the former Winnie Cooper or Ashley Williams, asking: Which genre generally appeals to you more: Romance or Murder?
Put your hands together, my friend. A good murder story has romance. It helps to give it stakes. It’s part of the Agatha Christie formula.
Murderous romance.
Bruce Campbell’s been in Hallmark movies? man. guy’s gotta eat i guess.
Murder all the way. As noted above, books or movies about murder often have a romance packed into them anyway. Charade (one of my favorite movies of all time that’s ostensibly a romantic comedy) has a ton of murders in it.
I agree with everyone else. Most Murder Mysteries have some sort of romance, and a lot of Romance has a murder or a wedding(same thing) .