Sometimes, it amuses me what bits of pop culture keep coming back around. Some years ago, I discovered through my child’s school Halloween party that the icons of my youth (notably Optimus Prime and Snake-Eyes) had made a resurgence in popularity. My feelings on their big dumb ridiculous stupid and bombastic new-school incarnations aside, it was kind of cool to see the kids enjoying the same bits of pop culture ephemera I grew up with, and I even had a couple of conversations about which Joes were the coolest. As always, nobody had ever heard of my choices (except Bazooka, who makes the list for Frozen Fudgies) but it’s the kind of discussion that begs a query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) reminds you that knowledge is, reputedly, fifty percent of any given conflict, asking: Which member of the G.I. Joe team is the REAL American hero of red-laser-versus-blue-laser combat?
I base my knowledge of these guys almost solely on Larry Hama, always thought animation series was a bit too cheesy and on the nose with American exceptionalism. Pretty much any ninja gets my vote, Stprm Shadow being the best. I also liked Tunnel Rat, if we are looking for a Joe team member specifically.
The only “Real” ones that I know about are Sgt. Slaughter and Refrigerator Perry, so I’ll go with them for a shared title of “REAL American hero of etc., etc.”