‘Tis the season to be scary, and to consider our favorite scary flicks and stories. The original ‘Amityville Horror’, ‘Paranormal Activity’ and the B-52 sequence of ‘Heavy Metal’ share little in tone or construction, but they do have one major item in common: Each horror movie universe they create scares the bajeezus out of me. Once something enters my head, i expect it to stick around for a while, and today’s boring work-day led to me considering my chances of surviving in those fictional horror universes. (In order, the answers are “Possibly,” “Certainly, so long as I’m not a tool like Micah”, and “Nooope.”) Speed didn’t help the victims of Jason Voorhees, so I wouldn’t have too much of a handicap there, but I wouldn’t last long around Rick Grimes, having long since wandered off into the woods to get away from those people. Either way, the give-and-take of my cinematic ruminations filled a dull afternoon (Best Chance For Matthew Survival = “Nightbreed”, in case ya wondered) but also begs a query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) kicked that #@&*ing map in the #@&*ing river yesterday, asking: How would you survive in a horror movie universe and which one would you choose?
Evil Dead. I’d just listen what the magic words really are.
give my propensity to make mixtapes/mix cd’s for people, i feel like i’d be okay in the Ring universe as long as i was fastidious in sending stuff out.
i may have used “fastidious” wrong. woof. i forfeit all points going forward. maybe i meant “expedient?” “expeditious?”