Yes, you’re in the right place. Especially if you’re in search of ways to get into comic reading that won’t have you spiraling into an unending search for past issues and backstory. This is “So You Want To Read Comics”, where we take a look at a seemingly unrelated topic or interest and suggest comics based on those.
This week, we’re taking a look at the groundbreaking, divisive, and often-copied television series, Lost.
Created in 2004, Lost ran for 6 years, telling the story of a group of plane crash survivors(?) as they try and uncover the secrets of the mysterious island they’ve washed up on. The show was an instant hit and became a sort of cultural phenomenon. Lost transformed watching a television show from a passive activity to an active one. The show invited its viewers to try and work things out for themselves by dropping hints and clues and encouraging the audience to come together to see if they can predict what was happening next, or what something actually meant. As the seasons went on, some of its luster began to wear off before ultimately ending on a note that left many unsatisfied. But, that doesn’t take away from its impact on television for years after.
No real shocker here, but a lot of the traits that made Lost the show that it was, can be found in comics, just like these:
Locke & Key
Writer: Joe Hill
Artist: Gabriel Rodriguez
Publisher: IDW Publishing
You can purchase this series via comiXology
A perennial must-read for many people in the comic book community, Locke & Key is a book built upon a series of mysteries that could rival Lost’s. Set in Lovecraft, MA, this comic tells the story of a family who, in the wake of a tragedy, moves into the enigmatic Key House. It doesn’t take long for them to realize the house isn’t just a building as strange keys that allow the users to do a slew of different supernatural things, start appearing. As the series goes more and more threads start to weave together into a web of questions and lore that encourages theorizing and interpretation. While Locke & Key tends to skew closer to the horror side of things rather than the sci-fi stuff that Lost got into, that same idea that there is something much bigger than what is directly in front of you is in full effect with this book. A small warning, there is some unsettling stuff in this book so just keep that in mind.
Morning Glories
Writer: Nick Spencer
Artist: Joe Eisma
Publisher: Image Comics
You can purchase this series via comIXology
I’ll be blunt, there isn’t a comic series that’s as Lost as Morning Glories. Set in a private school, Morning Glories ostensibly is about the students and staff making it through each day. It just so happens that each day involves time travel, resurrections, murder, temporal anomolies, corporations with cryptic goals, and shifting states of reality. Basically, this comic is just one weird occurrence on top of another with little explanation behind them. It’s a challenging book for sure and you shouldn’t expect a lot of resolution. But, there is something really enjoyable as things keep ramping up and as soon as you think you have a grasp on things they throw another wrench into the works. As of right now, the series is on a hiatus which means there’s plenty of time to read through this series and try and work the mysteries out yourself before it kicks back up again.
Hopefully these recommendations engage you the way the Lost did, let us know. Also, if you have some suggestions of you own, drop them down in the comments below.
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