This weekend, my wife and I created new characters to play in the new season of Diablo III and, to change things up, she chose to be the wizard. This left me with a choice between warrior-types to balance her out and I ended up going with demon hunter, the powerful arcane archer. Sure, I coulda gone barbarian, but I find that I prefer the ability to strike from a distance with a fireball or a projectile, even with I can smack the taste out of evil’s mouth with my mighty axe. When it comes to the choice of wizard or warrior, I’ll be floating above the battle in a wreath of lightning, throwing powerful explosion blasts across the firmament, leading to today’s pyroclastic query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) finds it ironic that my Critical Hit characters are almost always the fighter, asking: Given the option to be really good at one or the other, would you choose Wizard or Warrior?
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If really good, Wizard. Everything would be so convenient and easy: Need Transport? Just teleport. Need money? Create gold. Storage space? No problem.