Recently, I found myself at loose ends, only to encounter the opening moments of John Wayne’s 1953 outing, “Hondo.” Despite having grown up in a John Wayne-loving household, I had never really sat down to watch a Wayne film on purpose, the only exception being ‘The Conqueror,’ where Wayne played Genghis Khan. (Some part of me just can’t resist that sort of train-wreck casting.) Even though Hondo’s opening credits sequence looked like Little Debbie cakes, I was willing to give the film the benefit of the doubt due to positive reception by two notable (and unexpectedly similar) men: Reverend Jesse Custer and Al Bundy. Turns out it was a decent little movie, with some cool 3-D camera work and intriguingly homespun philosophy, and I’m happy to say that my imaginary friends the Preacher and the Shoe Man didn’t steer me wrong, leading to today’s 3-D query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) ain’t gonna hit ya, it ain’t gonna hit ya. Like HELL it’s not, asking: What pop culture did you only try because of ANOTHER bit of pop culture, like Hondo?
I started to watch mecha animes because I found out where Transformers really came from.
That makes a frightening amount of sense. Giant robots AHOY!