The war is between Jannada and the Chilombons is about to begin, but will anyone survive the conflict? Your Major Spoilers review of Forgotten Home #7 from Vices Press awaits!

Writer: Erica Schultz
Artist: Marika Cresta
Colorist: Sam Bennett
Letterer: Cardinal Rae
Editor: Erica Schultz
Publisher: Vices Press
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 29, 2020
Previously in Forgotten Home: The battle begins so the war can end… And all must answer for past sins.
We open seven years in the past, the desert of Afghanistan, as Lorraine remembers her life as a soldier and how she used her hidden magic to save herself, while neglecting to save her friends. In the present, her daughter Joanna takes a moment before war breaks out to try and visit her best friend Mika in Montana, only to find that Mika doesn’t recogniize her anymore. Fleeing her friend’s home, Jo returns to Jannada, where her grandmother is preparing to lead her troops into battle against her rebels working with her mother. Lorraine’s friends worry that she’s missing, but the princess is busy getting as many normal humans back to Earth as she can, and arrives halfway through the battle to invoke her plan: A battle to the death for her mother’s crown… with her own mother!
Having never read this series, I was concerned about jumping in to the penultimate chapter of the saga, but it wasn’t hard at all to grasp what was going on in these pages. There are some similarities to existing stories (I find parallels between this book and Amythyst’s Gemworld, but many YA stories cover similar territory), and we immediately get a look inside Jo and Lorraine’s minds. The build-up to the battle is also well done, especially the worries on the rebel side that they’re about to be lured into a slaughter. The art is somewhat less successful in the combat sequences, making it hard to follow the flow of the story, but Cresta’s characters all have impressive body language and range of expression. The one-on-one fight betwee Lorraine and her mother is very well choreographed and the massive explosion that ends the issue makes me want to know how this all is going to end.
In short, Forgotten Home #7 works for me as an entry point to this series and its world, and even having some issues with the flow of combat didn’t completely torpedo the story being told, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. I enjoy the personal interactions between these characters and the hints of treachery and familial treachery enough that I’m definitely going to check out the final chapter.
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