When you write for a site called Major Spoilers, you will occasionally run into someone angry that we don’t spend ALL our time revealing important spoilers. So, in the interestest of time, I’d like to remind you that it was the sled, he was his father all along and she was actually a villain in disguise. When they seem like they would affect the reading/viewing/listening experience, I do try to avoid big plot reveals, preferring to make indirect references in respect to those who don’t (or don’t want to) know. Part of that stems from an incident in college where I was chastised by a schoolmate for joking about the spoiler at the end of Citizen Kane, a movie then half-a-century old, which is clearly no longer a spoiler, leading to today’s [REDACTED] query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced either “Romanadvoratrelundar” or “Fred”) tends to work on the “Is the next chapter out?” rule, which usually means 30 days for comics, a week for many television shows, asking: How long is long enough to wait before a spoiler is no longer a spoiler?
Twelve parsecs, precisely.
Minimum a month. I’d guess that 95% of the people are able to see the movie before hand.
Definitely not less than a week. Case in point: I couldn’t see the latest Star Wars movie until Wednesday after opening. Various sites were openly spoiling the movie in their article headers. Very Irritating.
Until the last of the script writer, script editor, director or producer is dead.
Or…more realistically, about 6 months.