Q WORKSHOP has unveiled official Adventure Path dice sets designed and manufactured for the Pathfinder Extinction Curse, Starfinder Attack of the Swarm! and Starfinder The Threefold Conspiracy under a license with Paizo. Each is a complete set of seven polyhedral dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d100, d12, d20) made from durable plastic and designed with precision engravings.
Two Pathfinder Extinction Curse Adventure Path Dice Sets
The Extinction Curse Adventure Path is a six-part, monthly campaign in which the heroes lead a traveling circus as they unravel a plot to eradicate all life from the islands of the Inner Sea. These sets include dice in red and blue, with yellow painting in complexly carved engravings. The Performer’s set contains a blue d20, d10, and d4. The Entertainer’s set is made with a red d20, d10, and d4. On the highest face, there is the symbol of a circus tent to help players take the stage and win the crowd.
Starfinder Attack of the Swarm! Adventure Path Dice Set
The theme for this campaign is the invasion of the Swarm – a highly intelligent and always hungry monolithic hive-mind with gargantuan living ships. This set is glacier blue with cloudy admixture that resembles mist covering dangers, emerging out of the blue. Q WORKSHOP adorned the faces with pale yellow painting to mark the digits looking like insects and larvae. On the highest faces of all dice, there are symbols of the archenemy of the campaign – the Swarm.
Starfinder The Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path Dice Set
The Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path is a six-part, monthly campaign in which the heroes unravel the machinations of insidious aliens who have infiltrated galactic society. Imagine that there are dice for revealing cosmic conspiracy theories. These dice could be a player’s best choice in their fight against twisted alien masterminds and their sinister plot. This set is dark gray with yellow paint to mark the digits and rich engravings. The whole design is inspired by science fiction movie thrillers, where the enemy is alien, unknown and hidden in dark corners of spaceships. On the highest face, there is the symbol of mysterious three triangles that symbolize three layers of space conspiracy.
Each dice set has a $13.00 MSRP. Pathfinder Extinction Curse Adventure Path Performer’s Entertainer’s Dice Sets are available today at and The Starfinder Attack of the Swarm! and Threefold Conspiracy Adventure Path Dice Sets will be available April 24 and 29, respectively.
Q WORKSHOP makes thousands of finely crafted dice every day. They are a workshop, with people dedicated to helping you tell your story. They ship from Poland to all over the world!
About Paizo
Paizo Inc. is one of the world’s leading hobby game publishers. Since 2002, millions of players have joined the goblin army by playing the Pathfinder® and Starfinder® Roleplaying Games in homes, at conventions, at their favorite local game stores, and digitally on virtual tabletops. is an online retail hobby destination for gamers that carries the latest products from top hobby game publishers. Players can also find the newest releases, as well as accessories like dice and maps, miniatures, T-shirts, goblin plush toys, to quickly replenish their adventuring supplies for the next dungeon run.