There are always comics to read, and this week, we find out what Action Lab Entertainment has to offer the young’uns as we take a look at Seamus (The Famous)!
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SEAMUS (THE FAMOUS) (Digital-First)
Writer(s): Christopher Ring
Artist Name(s): Christopher Ring
Cover Artist(s): Christopher RingAdventure is only limited by a young boy’s imagination as Seamus and his snarky cat, Fitcher, lead a crew of affable pirates in search of the legendary treasure of Gunnar Forkbeard. It’s a race full of boobytraps, monstrous creatures and humor as Seamus and Fitcher pit themselves against Captain Barracuda and his nefarious crew of The Greythorn. From the high seas to the depths of Dragon’s Head Isle, it will take all their wits and courage to save the day, and themselves, in this epic tale.
66 pgs./ E / FC $3.99 (Digital-First)
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