There are a lot of charges leveled at the comics of the 1990s that are 100% valid (excessive violence; derivative designs and characters; mistaking angst for gravitas) but hatred aimed at the late, lamented Jean-Paul Valley is not one of them. Leaving aside the fact that he was intentionally designed to be a bad replacement for Batman (the writer has repeatedly, explicitly stated so), the character serves an important point in proving that not every person who is good at fighty-fighty can be Batman. It’s an important lesson, though one DC seems to have once again forgotten, that leads us to an today’s successional query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is happy that DC may be returning the concept of legacy to their heroes, but hopes to never again see Darknight, Red Beetle or Magog as long as I live, asking: Which legacy character is the least successful replacement character in your eyes?
Thunderstrike vs. USAgent to the death.
Magog was pretty bad, but at least I don’t have to see that guy in like every third book DC publishes, unlike Damian. A sad excuse to replace any previous Robin and shoved down our throats with such a force I’m still gagging.