Recently, I ran into yet another listicle that ended with mocking Cypher, leading me to think once again about Chris Claremont’s work on ‘The New Mutants,’ a book which deserves less scorn for its weaknesses and more appreciation for helping to redefine the teen hero genre. While I love me some New Mutants, if I were to devote my energies to resurrecting an old property, it would be the original New Warriors, including Night Thrasher’s ridiculous skateboard powers and Richie Rider in red as “Kid Nova.” Sure, I don’t know who’d *read* such a tale, but some part of me longs to write it anyway, leading us to today’s Great American query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would also consider a massive fifty-hero All-Star Squadron crossover explosion featuring The Spirit, Max Mercury, Commander Steel and Amazing Man in prominent roles, asking: If you were offered the chance to write the story you were BORN to write, what characters would you choose and why?
Cypher was my favorite character in my favorite book. So I would have Warlock (not Douglock) bring him along for my Fallen Angels mini-series reboot. Skids, Chance, and Boom Boom to be sure. Maybe Richtor. Rusty maaaaaybe. Moon-Boy for sure. OOh… add in Manikin from Alpha Flight.
Backup story is a WCA adventure with Hank Pym, Thing, Moonie, and Firebird.
Blade of the Immortal in Sengoku period, some 150 years before original series.
Its probably one of the biggest reasons beside Kurosawa why I do what I do now.