Once upon a time, there were only three channels and seemingly only a few dozen television shows. I still remember the ones that filled the wandering hours between school and baseball practice, things like ‘Gilligan’s Island’, ‘The Beverly Hillbillies’ and ‘Get Smart.’ In those pre-streaming, pre-DVD, even pre-VHS days, you had to make do with what you had, even if what you had was the occasionally-insufferable Brady Kids. I love the show as a whole, but man, are those characters messed up. They learned the same lessons over and over and treated their cousin Oliver terribly, not to mention all the moments where they were by turns arrogant, awful, untruthful, snotty, snide or borderline dysfunctional, leading to today’s bringing-up-three-very-lovely query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) is gonna go with Peter, mostly because he seemed like an okay kid except that one time his explicable twin showed up at school, asking: Which member of The Bunch would you choose to be your sitcom best pal?