Vampirella is 50 years old! How has the character aged? We find out in Vampirella #1 from Dynamite Entertainment.
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writer: Christopher Priest
artist: Ergün Gündüz
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 17, 2019
In July 1969, the world was first introduced to Vampirella. 50 years later, she doesn’t look a day older!!!! Now, to celebrate her gold anniversary, Dynamite is launching a brand-new, ongoing series featuring the talents of Christopher Priest (Black Panther, Deathstroke, Quantum & Woody, Justice League) and European star/American star-in-the-making, Ergün Gündüz (Tales of the Great War, Taxi Tales)! You’ll experience the first, mysterious taste of things to come in Vampirella Free Comic Book Day #0, and the story continues here!!!
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