BOOM! Studios has announced Eat and Love Yourself from Sweeney Boo and Lylian will land in stores in April 2020.
Mindy is a young woman living with an eating disorder and trapped in a battle for her own self-worth. When she accidentally discovers something that will give her a chance to revisit her past—the relationships she’s lost, the mistakes she’s made, all of it— she thinks she has a chance to undo every wrong turn, to put her life back on track. But will she be able to find a way back to her present, and just as important, a way to treat herself with love and kindness, at any size?
“Working on EAT AND LOVE YOURSELF is a true healing experience for me. I suffered from an eating disorder in my early twenties, and while I was working on myself and getting better, I discovered how taboo and difficult of a subject it was to talk about.” said writer and artist, Sweeney Boo. “This book is for everyone who has a difficult relationship with their body, or just themselves… I want to show everyone that they’re beautiful the way they are.”
While this sounds like a great graphic novel with a lot of potential to help/inform others, I’m rather surprised we have to wait almost a year for this book to land in stores.