There are a lot of extraterrestrial folk in our fiction. And it seems that for every E.T., every Superman, every The Doctor, there are three murderous fanged beasties in the wings. The Killer Alien is everywhere in fiction, from your wicked Skrulls to the Puppeteers to whatever The Vorlons are, and most of them will take you out in spectacular and unpleasant fashion. The various ways and means of destruction by alien hand are endless, from melted to possession to being turned into a Borg and/or Cyberman, leading to today’s cosmic query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) doesn’t like shape-shifters in any context, but finds the idea of a squid in a tiny tank armed with death rays to be even more horrifying, asking: Which killer alien would you least like to face down in a dark alley?
Probably the Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise. With them it would just be “game over.”
Pretty much “The Alien”.
The monsters I am thinking of won’t fit into an alley, so I’ll go with the Xenomorph from the Alien movies.
What they said – it’s hard to get a scarier alien than that thing.