The best day of the week just got a lot better with a new round of awesome comics arriving in stores this week. Staff members at Major Spoilers are here to help you with your comic book selection this week, with their roundup of comics they recommend.
Writer: Nick Spencer
Art: Ryan Ottley
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: Turns out Spider-Man isn’t the only one getting attacked, as JJJ himself is in deep trouble. BUT WHO IS ATTACKING HIM? And what more will we learn about the mysterious bandaged figure circling Spider-Man?!
STEPHEN: Ryan Ottley art is always a winner in my book, plus with the release of a certain awesome Spider-Man movie in theaters, I have a feeling a lot of people will be looking to buy some Spider-Man comics this week.
Writer: Evan Dorkin
Artist: Benjamin Dewey
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics, Inc.
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: After being captured by the survivalist cult, the Wise Dogs must find a way to free themselves and prevent an ancient evil entity from being unleashed on humanity. ”. . .horror buffs and animal lovers alike will find a lot to like about [Beast of Burden’s] tightly-scripted storylines, beautiful illustrations, and appealing characters.” -Publisher’s Weekly
INGRID: This is the conclusion of this story arc, and we left off with the three remaining Wise Dogs cut off from their magic and facing down a camp of dozens of survivalist cultists intent on awakening a long-buried monster! Top this off with fabulous art – I am so looking forward to this one.
Writer: Greg Pak
Artist: Dan McDaid
Publisher: BOOM! STudios
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: The untold story of the Unification War continues! Stranded on an outer moon and with a price on their heads from Alliance bounty hunters, the crew race against time—and the planet’s population—to fix Serenity and hightail it outta there!
STEPHEN: Browncoats are gonna love this series, and if the pre-orders are any indication, there are going to be plenty of copies at your LCS when you pay a visit to them later today.
Writer: Greg Pak
Art: Marc Laming
Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: The ODD JOB epic continues, by superstars GREG PAK and MARC LAMING!
Somewhere in the world, a smuggler is trying to deliver a mysterious briefcase to the world’s most deadly terrorists. 007 must get this case and is licensed to kill anyone that gets in his way.
This is the story of the man who gets in his way.
STEPHEN: It is weird seeing Odd Job appear in a modern story, but I’ve been thinking about the series since I first reviewed issue #1, and I think there might be something to this series.
KINO #12
Writer: Alex Paknadel
Artist: Diego Galindo
Publisher: The Lion Forge
Cover Price: $3.99
SOLICITATION: The nightmare continues for Meath as he helplessly surveils the imposter playing house with his own family. But there’s hope when Patricia begins to uncover cracks in his surface. Meanwhile, Gilmour receives an unexpected visit from Coal, who shares his alarming findings on Assante’s lab.
INGRID: This is a thriller down to the bone. Alistair Meath has come back to a world where someone has taken his place, he has nowhere to turn, and the government entirely denies the existence of the asteroid event of the past year. Conspiracy theories and paranoia abound in this well-crafted and suspenseful story.
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