This week, we enter the best week of the entire year – Halloween, when boys and girls, and men and women, don costumes and go door to door demanding candy in order to prevent horrible tricks from befalling the homeowner. But not every homeowner participates in the giving of treats.
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Robot Overlord
Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to the Robot Overlord. Robot Overlord may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds. The Robot Overlord contains a liquid core, which if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at. If Robot Overlord begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head. Do not taunt the Robot Overlord.
I would give out candy – I love seeing little kids in costumes. But I live out in the country.
we get maybe 3 or 4 sets of Kids each year, because we live out in the middle of nowhere. but we are committed to those kids and their love of the spooky-spooky
We will be out trick or treating with our own kids
Take-backsies on my accidental “no” vote please! My abhorrence at seeing the candy corn…yuck… pic led to an impulsive button push. I will be giving out candy. The number of trick or treaters varies every year, but the weather is going to be mild so expecting a nice turn out.